10 Funeral Mishaps

10 Funeral Mishaps That I Have Witnessed

1. A local minister, that no one knew, was hired by the favorite son.  He was not given simple family information and may have thought the son was the only close kin.  A lady spoke up, and said, "She was my grandmother too!"

2. A family had such a deep division that they had 'dueling funerals', but at least on different days.

3. A squad of veterans were asked and tasked to come and present the flag to the widow, but demanded that they must preach a sermon, and also insisted on shooting off their guns.

4. Son and grandsons told negative stories about the foibles of the deceased, to a full chapel of friends who loved him, including the revelation of a gay son who had died from AIDS.

5. A carefully produced slideshow got jammed up and stuttered, then was accidentally erased by the musician/tech hired by the undertaker.

6. A world-famous missionary agency and training school leader and prolific author's funeral was hamstrung by his adult sunday school teacher, who was long-winded, and ran over into the time set aside for open mic sharing from the congregation, of people who had come long distances at great cost. The service had to abruptly end, because of that church's Saturday evening service set up needs.

7. The people at the funeral who deeply loved and had served the deceased and shared their grief openly, were not invited to share a meal afterward, with the family.

8. A father and his minister, confronted his son, at the meal after the funeral, while his best friends were gathered, about stealing the deceased assets; fearing he was going to flee the country.

9. After a clear gospel presentation of salvation by and through Christ alone, the mortuary attendant openly made a comment that there is more that one way to be saved, that universalism was true.

10. At a famous minister's celebration of life event, who's specialty was pastoral counseling, where the many speakers (over 50) were allowed only 2 minutes each, his pastor, from his home church, decided to mention the dying man's divorce.
