I'm a fool for Christ

John Wimber's testimony was that when he recieved Christ as Lord and Savior at a home Bible study, he saw this picure in his mind of a man he had seen before with a sign on the front that read "I'm a fool for Christ", and on his back was another sign that read, "who's fool are you?"
When I share my hopes with people, I sometimes wonder and muse, "what if it doesn't work out, then I'll look foolish!" My next thought overides the first one and that is that if I'm thought a fool, I'm a fool for Christ. I shared what I shared because it is what I believe about Christ in my life and if it does not pan out, I'm still walking with Christ and I am his. I would rather follow him and trip than to stay seated and do nothing. I'd rather pray and see no results than not to pray at all. I'd rather give and get no return than not to give at all. If we do anything that seems like a waste of time or energy or cash, shouldn't it be on Jesus and sharing about him? Think about the parable of the sower. He sowed everywhere.
