two-ten in the afternoon
I have a watch that is synched up with towers receiving time information from the GPS satellite system.
MY watch read 2:10 when my son Johnathan was born. The longest and best day of my life:
We had planned on a natural birth, at a birth-center in Fullerton. Labor started on Sunday morning and we headed East on the 91, believing we would be celebrating with our families that afternoon or dinner time; certainly before midnight.
After many hours of labor, drained and disappointed, our mid-wife, Lori, called her on-call chiropractor, to give Janine an adjustment, so that her body would be in alinment for the baby to come. The chiropractor turned out to be a man I had gone on a missions trip with to Australia and New Zealand back in 1989. A year or two previous, out of about three thousand people, he was the only person that I saw at a music release celebration at the church building I used to go to as well. He is a man filled with Jesus. He came and adjusted Janine, late that Sunday night.

But the baby still would not come, so we decided to go to plan B, which was Placentia Linda Hospital. We were given the very best nurse and the very best doctor and the very best room for us to stay in for the three days after the baby was born- like a hotel room, and the nursing staff that took care of us were wonderful.
I had no control over when the birth was to occur and the thought didn't even cross my mind as 2:10pm, then 2:10am came and went on the previous day and that morning. Then at about 2pm that afternoon, the thought came to my mind to keep an eye on my watch when the baby comes and it happened- he was delivered right "on time" at 2:10, by my GPS Synched watch.
10 years before I met my wife, I was praying here at sunset beach, about her or rather for her and about getting married to someone someday, and I heard, "I have saved the best wine for last". I looked up the word and it was John 2:10. Not only was this promise or prophecy fulfilled when I married my wife, but it was confirmed again with the time of our son's birth. God is awesome. This word is the word that encouraged me through many lonely years of singleness, that God had a future he was saving for me to experience.
This is part of my testimony of God's faithfulness (Rev. 12:11).
p.s. At the same place, on a different occasion, I heard that, "houses and riches are an inheritance from parents, but a prudent wife is from the Lord." Turns out, Janine is the most prudent woman I have ever met. God's gifts are beyond even what we can imagine.
MY watch read 2:10 when my son Johnathan was born. The longest and best day of my life:
We had planned on a natural birth, at a birth-center in Fullerton. Labor started on Sunday morning and we headed East on the 91, believing we would be celebrating with our families that afternoon or dinner time; certainly before midnight.
After many hours of labor, drained and disappointed, our mid-wife, Lori, called her on-call chiropractor, to give Janine an adjustment, so that her body would be in alinment for the baby to come. The chiropractor turned out to be a man I had gone on a missions trip with to Australia and New Zealand back in 1989. A year or two previous, out of about three thousand people, he was the only person that I saw at a music release celebration at the church building I used to go to as well. He is a man filled with Jesus. He came and adjusted Janine, late that Sunday night.

But the baby still would not come, so we decided to go to plan B, which was Placentia Linda Hospital. We were given the very best nurse and the very best doctor and the very best room for us to stay in for the three days after the baby was born- like a hotel room, and the nursing staff that took care of us were wonderful.
I had no control over when the birth was to occur and the thought didn't even cross my mind as 2:10pm, then 2:10am came and went on the previous day and that morning. Then at about 2pm that afternoon, the thought came to my mind to keep an eye on my watch when the baby comes and it happened- he was delivered right "on time" at 2:10, by my GPS Synched watch.

This is part of my testimony of God's faithfulness (Rev. 12:11).
p.s. At the same place, on a different occasion, I heard that, "houses and riches are an inheritance from parents, but a prudent wife is from the Lord." Turns out, Janine is the most prudent woman I have ever met. God's gifts are beyond even what we can imagine.