Christian's indifference

I was reading an article about the growth of the unchurched population in the U.S. by George Barna, where he makes mention of the book, Jim and Casper Go to Church, where two guys check out a dozen heavy hitter churches across the country and share their experiences. Barna says,
"Many of the insights drawn from the experiences of "Jim and Casper" parallel the findings of Barna Group studies among the unchurched. Some of the critical discoveries were the relative indifference of most churched Christians to unchurched people; the overt emphasis upon a personal rather than communal faith journey; the tendency of congregations to perform rituals and exercise talents rather than invite and experience the presence of God; the absence of a compelling call to action given to those who attend; and the failure to listen to dissident voices and spiritual guidance to dig deeper in one’s faith."


  1. Hi, Steve! I noticed that you mentioned the book "Jim & Casper Go to Church." I'm a volunteer with Jim's organization Off the Map and I wanted to let you know about our Live event coming up this November in Seattle. Both Jim and Matt Casper will be speaking at this event. Here is the link if you want to find out more:


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