Jesus Camp Movie: Activating Children in the Spirit

We finally saw the Jesus Camp documentary. It started as a straightforward documentary about a ministry to children. Even though Becky Fischer's ministry to kids is unique in that she believes kids can be activated into spiritual experiences and ministry, rather than just child-cared with flannel boards, fun songs, or a Christian Disneyland experience while parents get the real thing... The non-believing filmmakers, of course didn't get it and made the movie into a political thing.

I found a good article on the film by Rich Tatum. The long list of comments following, and I have not read all of them; is good in that it is dialogue, but it's also systemic of the fact that there is so much disunity among American Christians. Maybe not. I could be defensive of any criticism of Lou Engle or his style, but what I hear Rich saying is that he isn't used to that sort of thing and he's warning against certain things which are valid, but Lou isn't responsible for excesses in the past, of course. Lou was just encouraging Levi and that's one thing that the gift of prophecy is for!


  1. Anonymous11:18 AM

    i appreciate that the makers of Jesus Camp let the people interviewed do all the talking; over all, there is some useful truth in this flick as long as it's taken with a grain (or maybe a bucket) of salt


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