Christology, then Mission, then Form
I think that for the Christian, Christology must always come first. This is what separates Christ followers from non-Christ followers. Who is Christ? What is His claim on us? What's he about in this world today?
The famous quote from Bonhoeffer, "when Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die". Christ is looking for people who will die daily. These are Christians. Jesus can ask you to die because of who he is and what he has done. To have solid Christology (settled) is to understand the deity of Jesus of Nazareth and his claim on you if you choose to follow him , making him your Lord and Messiah; the only one who can recover, redeem, reconcile, and save you, atoning for your sins.
If that is settled, then you are propeled into a life of mission. Missionary describes the church at large. We all carry Christ's message and are on a mission from God. No one is in the stands or writing checks only, but we are all on the Field, going out and sharing. If you are a Christ follower, you are a missionary, and being a missionary just means you are on Christ's mission.
After Christology is settled which immediately propels those who follow Christ into Christ's mission, the the form of church comes into place. Do you see how off-track that things could be or would be if we decide on form first, then decide what parts of Christology we buy into and then let those two inform how we are on mission?
The famous quote from Bonhoeffer, "when Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die". Christ is looking for people who will die daily. These are Christians. Jesus can ask you to die because of who he is and what he has done. To have solid Christology (settled) is to understand the deity of Jesus of Nazareth and his claim on you if you choose to follow him , making him your Lord and Messiah; the only one who can recover, redeem, reconcile, and save you, atoning for your sins.
If that is settled, then you are propeled into a life of mission. Missionary describes the church at large. We all carry Christ's message and are on a mission from God. No one is in the stands or writing checks only, but we are all on the Field, going out and sharing. If you are a Christ follower, you are a missionary, and being a missionary just means you are on Christ's mission.
After Christology is settled which immediately propels those who follow Christ into Christ's mission, the the form of church comes into place. Do you see how off-track that things could be or would be if we decide on form first, then decide what parts of Christology we buy into and then let those two inform how we are on mission?
I'm a little confused. Are you suggesting a solid Christology revolves around a comittment to following Jesus' mission OR are you saying it is centered on believing particular doctrines about Jesus(deification)?
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me our Christian faith gets off track when it bases everything on believing unbelievable things rather than following this wonderful vision of God's will being done on earth.
I hope you will clarify.
Thanks Mike.
ReplyDeleteWhat I'm saying is that to follow God's vision, you must see Christ for who he is and what he is about.
What we believe about Christ leads to what we do about it. So, Christ-ianity is Christ centered.
I would argue that people can do many good works, but not be on Christ's mission, while even using his name.