Good fortune

From a letter:

How truly I love you!
We're the best of friends,
and I pray for good fortune in everything you do,
and for your good health
—that your everyday affairs prosper,
as well as your soul!

My favorite one,
My wish for you
Is that in all things
You may come into good fortune
And be in good health
Even as you find the right way in the very depths of your being.

3 John 1:2, The Message, My translation

God really does want good things for us. The good that He wants may be different than how we envision it or what we have in mind, but God knowns best. Good fortune in God's economy is so much more than csh in your hand. God wants our dreams to become reality. Not pipe dreams or pizza dreams, but the dreams He has placed in our hearts. God wants us to thrive. We're not called to live as in just breathe and stay alive, then pass on some day. Not at all. We're supposed to be fruitful.
