Then Joshua set up twelve stones in the middle of the Jordan at the place where the feet of the priests who carried the ark of the covenant were standing, and they are there to this day.
Joshua 4:9
After the tribes of Israel crossed over the Jordan river into the promised land, they made two memorials made of piled stones. One was up and outside the river, but the second one was smack dab, in the middle of the river. What can we make of the second memorial and why was it necessary?
The double doing of the memorial to God bringing them across the river calls serious attention to this event. The second one gives impact. Important and real important to remember.
When the Jordan was low or dry for natural reasons, there the stones would be reminding them that God dried it up once so the people could cross over. Seeing the memorial in drought times would also remind them of God's provision. When the Jordan's waters were high, but clear; the memorial would remind them that God had stopped the very waters you see here and the people crossed down there where it looks impossible with the normal waters. The memorial stands in the place where God made a way where there was no way.
I think the application to all this for our lives today is that we need to remember how God made a way in our lives where there was no way. That same way may look impossible or impassible to our naked eye now, but we need to look harder and look beneath the circumstances to what God did in the past and remember we serve the same God who can do it again.
Joshua 4:9
After the tribes of Israel crossed over the Jordan river into the promised land, they made two memorials made of piled stones. One was up and outside the river, but the second one was smack dab, in the middle of the river. What can we make of the second memorial and why was it necessary?
The double doing of the memorial to God bringing them across the river calls serious attention to this event. The second one gives impact. Important and real important to remember.
When the Jordan was low or dry for natural reasons, there the stones would be reminding them that God dried it up once so the people could cross over. Seeing the memorial in drought times would also remind them of God's provision. When the Jordan's waters were high, but clear; the memorial would remind them that God had stopped the very waters you see here and the people crossed down there where it looks impossible with the normal waters. The memorial stands in the place where God made a way where there was no way.
I think the application to all this for our lives today is that we need to remember how God made a way in our lives where there was no way. That same way may look impossible or impassible to our naked eye now, but we need to look harder and look beneath the circumstances to what God did in the past and remember we serve the same God who can do it again.
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