The renewed church

On that day, the LORD’s branch will become beautiful and glorious. The earth’s fruit will be the pride and splendor of Israel’s survivors. Whoever remains in Zion and is left in Jerusalem will be called holy, everyone who is on the list of those living in Jerusalem. When the Lord washes the filth from Zion’s daughters, and cleanses Jerusalem’s bloodguilt from within it by means of a wind of judgment and a searing wind, then the LORD will create over the whole site of Mount Zion and over its assembly a cloud by day and smoke and the light of a blazing fire by night. Over all the glory there will be a canopy, which will be a booth by day for shade from the heat and a hiding place and shelter from a stormy downpour. -Isaiah 4:2-7 (CEB)

This passage was an encouragement to ancient Israel, for those who survived the calamities described in the previous chapter. Today, we have changes coming, shaking and quaking and rearranging. There will be great confusion in the world, but those who are walking closely with God will be comforted and find rest.

In the midst of chaos and change are Christ's followers, the people of the Messiah; and they will be fruitful. In the times ahead, Christians will truly be in Christ. Church attenders who have not been in Christ will get in Christ. Christian leaders who have not know God will get saved or stop pretending. The headship of Christ in his church will renewed.

God will cleanse all his people who walk closely with him in the days ahead. Holiness will not be seen as an option that many Christian say "no thanks" to, but walking with God and gathering with his people will naturally open doors to healing and cleansing and deliverance.

The glory of God is returning to the church. The people of God will be known again by the presence of God among them. Church will be known again as a gathering of people with God amongst them, rather that a place built by human hands, where men and women rule institutionally. God is coming back to church. Some reading this might say that since God is everywhere, He never stopped coming to church; but that's not what I am writing about. Yes, God is omnipresent and we cannot hide from God.

God's glory will return to his people. When God's glory appears, the agenda, the schedule, the talking stops. Church will suddenly be more like, "as it is in heaven". But since we are on earth, what is on earth must be affected by heaven and become as it is in heaven.

God's glory will become the enclosure of his people. Denominationalism will be de-emphasized in the future as saints seek each other out to gather anywhere at anytime under the glory of God in Christ.
