Before You Call, I Will Answer

Before they call, I will answer; while they are still speaking, I will hear.

I will answer them before they even call to me.  While they are still talking about their needs,
I will go ahead and answer their prayers! 
-Isaiah 65:24 (CEB, NLB)

Did you know that God is waiting or standing in your future, anticipating your needs and waiting for you?  We don't make God aware of something, so that he can help us.  He already knows and has the answer before we ask, before we seek him.

If our whole life is about walking with God and being discipled by Jesus, then we can expect all our needs to be met.  Instead of being far off from God and crying out for vision, we are close to God and have provision.  In every situation, we can expect provision.  In every providence, God is provider.

God knows when you are going to have a bad day and places provision in that day and time.  You don't see it or recognize it, before you need it.  God is already catching you, with arms held out, when you start to fall, and call out.
