Servants Rule!
The greatest among you will be your servant.
-Matthew 23:11
How is your serve? I was thinking about the phrase kids use to brag that their group is the greatest, like, "nerds rule!" It's like "we're the best", or "we're the greatest".
And it is true that Jesus said that servants are the great ones in the kingdom. Kingdom values are different, even upside down from earthly values. We are kingdom people first and church members second.
The way that Christians are governed is by kingdom values inside and outside the church. It does not matter if you are thinking of "the church gathered" or "the church scattered". Jesus, who is the builder of the church, says that his people will not be like the world or like the religious institutions, of his day.
Jesus said that there is no hierarchy and no corporate flow chart. There are not special people who are heads or positional leaders. There are no officials or officers.
We're just brothers and sisters, with Jesus as our head, Lord, teacher, and leader.
Serving is it. Jesus said he came to serve. Father sent Jesus to serve.
And Jesus says to us, "As the Father sent me, so I send you". What does he send us to do? Serve. Who does Jesus make us all to be? Servants.
How is your serve?
I see Jesus inviting us into his life of service. I see Jesus building his church through servants. And the servants are in on Jesus' secrets (John 2:5-9).
You can be a pastor, a preacher, an evangelist, a prophet, an apostle, or a teacher. But you will only be great in the King's sight, if you are first a servant. Servants serve, they do not feel entitled to being served in any way.
Servants rule!
Servants rule!
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