God Arises
God arises. His enemies scatter, and those who hate Him flee from His presence.
-Psalm 68:1
Do you see God arising? We pray, "God arises!", as a declarative prayer. He is arising, and we bless what we see the Father doing (John 5:19) just like Jesus.
"God arises", is a statement of truth; like saying, "God is on the move". We are not petitioning God to come, but we see that he is already here. We are announcing that God is here, so that we can do something.
We see and do. We do not just see and enjoy the sight, nor do we just see and learn, all in the thinking realm. Real learning is in the participation.
I declare, "God arises". Do you see? I will help you see if you do not see God arising.
Can you see, can you hear, and can you sense God arising? If so, what do we do?
When we see God arising, we:
- Repent. Jesus message was not to accept him into your heart as your personal savior. Jesus message was not to believe in the cross and what he did (would do) there. Jesus message was, "Repent: for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand". To repent means to change, to change your mind, to change your purpose, to change your direction. God does not give a catalog of sins we should stop doing, because 'sin management' has never been the message or God's way. Repent also means 'reform': Reform or die. You must change and re-purpose your life or you will die: you are signing off on your death notice. Many people are the living dead, because they refuse to repent when the call to do so has been given clearly.
- Get out of the way. There is a dance that reverences participating with God and in God, without ever taking God's place of headship. Jesus modeled how to be submissive to Father's lead and rely upon the power of the Spirit. He is the model for how to live and the only way to live.
- Join in on what God is doing. We get to participate with God in what God is doing in the earth. We are co-missioned into God's mission. He calls us child, friend, and slave; and we get to learn how to enjoy life in those three roles or dimensions with God. Jesus gives us authority and we need to know what it is and how it works and our responsibilities for and how we use our authority.
When God arises he gets himself between you and his enemies. When God comes into a situation his enemies are exposed and must flee. Selfishness and sinfulness in people will not stand or live in God's presence either.
Every person that Jesus encountered, during his years of ministry, after he left the family's business; had issues that came up, that Jesus had a word for, a key to help then unravel from selfishness, hopelessness, delusions, or misconceptions. This same Jesus who preached the general "Repent!" message to all, had helpful counsel and instructions for individuals. So, God calls us all to repent and he also has compassionate, loving, care filled counsel and instruction for us as individuals.
When God arises we do not want to delude ourselves to think, "God is on our side". It does not work that way, because "Repent" means that we all surrender to being on God's side, realizing that God is the king and we are all his subjects. Some people have not realized this or taken action to bow to the king yet.
If you have surrendered and have become a subject and child of the king, it means you are in the kingdom and under and on the side of the king. The only other side is the side of God's enemies. People are either with God or with God's enemies, even if they don't know it. When God arises, the enemy is exposed and must flee and the peoples who are not in the kingdom, under the king, but have been captives in the enemy's kingdom, get to be delivered or set free.
And when God comes, people get to choose if they are in or out, get free and become king's kids, or stay in bondage.
I declare, let God rise up! God arises! Up with God!
-This post was previously published on 8/2/16
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