Free Rain Coming

You, God, showered abundant rain; You revived Your inheritance when it languished.
-Psalm 68:9

I believe that God is going to shower down refreshing, reviving, life-giving, restoring and reforming rain upon people.  The people that are going to get hit with the gracious, merciful and completely free gift of refreshment are people who are weary, discouraged, impatient, grieved, worn out and languishing.  

God has showers of free-will gifts that are coming.  There are no strings attached.  The rain is free.

God's rain is not at all exclusive, but is outrageously inclusive.

The abundant rain from God is a free-will gift.  

God's abundant, generous. plentiful, heavy downpour of rain is a free-will gift.  Literally: "A shower of free-will gifts thou shakest out, O God".

The weariness we have been experiencing is like growing tired of waiting and ready to give up, discouraged: languishing.  But God is about to change all that with the refreshing rain.

The refreshing will be a confirmation.  Believers who are genuine are about to be confirmed by God.  

Massive confirmation that God is real and God's kids on the earth are really God's children is about to happen, when God, the plural God, Elohim, sends rain upon his inheritance on the earth.
