
Your lips drip sweetness like the honeycomb, my bride. Honey and milk are under your tongue. The fragrance of your garments is like the fragrance of Lebanon.
-Song of Solomon 4:11

Jesus sees his bride as the most loving force, of people, on the earth.  We have Christ and his words of life.  We have his love in our hearts to share with others, including people who hate us.

We speak well of people who are after us or have it in for us.  We say nice things about people who have us in their sights for ill will.  We have nothing but good things to say about them.

When people curse us, we love them with God's love.  It is like we make an internal turn and let God love them through us, rather than curse back.  That is fundamental to the Christian life.

Our words and what we say out loud and in prayers, are perhaps our greatest tool for goodness and our greatest weapon against darkness.  If our enemy can get us to speak bad words against other people, we have been defeated and taken out.

We are not be be surprised when we are insulted, cursed or maligned.  We should not be surprised if everyone does not like us, and when otherwise nice people do not like us.

In fact, the further you go with Jesus, the better chance that otherwise upstanding people will call you "crazy" or a heretic or evil.  This has been what has been happening to Christ-followers since day one.  

It is hurtful when other Christians curse us and sometimes it is even members of our own families.  But Jesus warned us that this would happen.

The bride of Christ is a prophetic people who speak prophetic words.  The words of God that we speak, are prophetic words of how God sees people.  These words are not flattery, but a foretelling of what a person can truly be, in God's eyes.

We speak loving words that say what God says people could be or were created or destined to be, if they will.  The bride of Christ is the mouth of God in the world today.  We preach the good news, the gospel of Christ everywhere we go and by the words we speak.

This has always been God's plan, to have a prophetic, preaching people; who speak for Him in the world, to give the world the opportunity or invitation to be saved.

With our lips, we speak, breathe, eat and kiss.  If your lips drip with honey, it means you have been in contact with honey, with the sweet honey.  We have sweet words because we have been in contact with the sweetness of Christ.

I am and we are like a honeycomb, because God has said we are, and made us to be this way, in Christ.  Sweet words come from the well of Christ within us.  Sweet lips have been touched by the sweetness of Christ.

The bride who is kissed by Christ has sanctified lips that are sweet to the bridegroom.  How we speak and what we speak is a reflection of the affection that God has for us.  The bride of Christ is a people who bless and speak well of others, with words that build up, encourage and comfort.

The bride of Christ is lovely.  The bride reflects the love of the bride groom.  He says that we have sweet lips, that are like honeycombs.

Jesus loves people.  Those who become his bride are lovely to him.  And those who are his, who are his bride, will love people too.

Our hearts are captured with the love of Christ.  We love people the way he does.  We speak blessings with our lips, to people.


Here is a song, called Honeycomb, by Jimmie Rodgers:
