Keep An Eye On Me
Protect me as the pupil of Your eye; hide me in the shadow of Your wings.
-Psalm 17:8
What is the Christian life about? Is it about obedience, about being good? The Christian life is about walking with God.
The psalms have poems that reflect the life of believers.
God has his eye on me. That is the life of the believer. Walking with God is what the life is all about.
God is watching me and protecting me. That is what the life of the believer is all about. That is the fountain from which my life flows and the light from which my life emanates.
Love for God is the basic thing, the center, the fountain from which the life flows. God has his eye on me. I am in God's gaze. He is protecting me.
With those thoughts in mind, I live my life. The Christian life is about walking with God.
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