Day After Day, Loving God

I will sing praise to your name forever, as day after day I fulfill my vows.
-Psalm 61:9 (CJB)

The place that we are living towards, with the Lord, is being His bride.  The place where we are going to is marriage with Jesus.  All of our lives bring us into union with Him.

Our lives are lived day by day.  Believers live in the present with God.  The gospel message in not just good news for the future, but good news for now.

The vows we make to the Lord, and fulfill daily are like wedding vows.  The promises we make and keep are rooted in love.  When we get married, we make vows out of our love for our bride or groom.

But the vows we make to Jesus are all because of his love.  When we see, hear and experience his love; it is perfectly natural to love him back and make vows to love him and serve him.  

Our vows we make are completely free will.  They are freely given offerings expressing true love.  You get to write your own vows.

Your vows to God are your free choice to make and say as you will, from your heart to God's.  Our vows are not some sort of payment or contractual obligation.  To make a vow in order to procure God's favor is wrong and foolish.

The vows we make to God, to Christ, are made from love and from a life that is already under His care.  Our vows are given in the context of already having begun to experience God's faithfulness.  Making vows or giving offerings comes out of and from knowing God's faithfulness and goodness.

Everything we do in the kingdom is inspired by the king.  He is good, so we are good.  He loves, so we love.

We don't do anything towards God to get God to do something.  But we do things towards God because of what God has done and is doing.

When I endeavor to keep my promises to God and make every day a love gift to God, I find fulfillment.  True peace and tranquility comes from loving and serving God.
