Do Not Forget The Poor

Provide justice for the needy and the fatherless; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute.
-Psalm 82:3

God's heart is for the poor.  Whatever emphasis that we have or our ministries have, we must never forget the poor.  Benevolence is something that all believers should have in common.

If you do not care about the poor, you have no connection to God.  God's heart is for the poor.  The worst form of injustice is when the weakest people are not helped by those who have the power and resources to help them.

Your calling or your ministry could be any of a thousand things, but do not forget the poor.

You may be in any of the thousands of the different denominations, non-denominations, tribes or movements in Christianity.  But remember to not forget the poor.  God's heart is for the poor.

You yourself may have a lot or have a little.  You may have many friends or a few.  You may be famous or unknown.

Just do not forget the poor.

Defend, vindicate, stand up for, be fair to, do right by and give justice to:

  • The needy, the poor, the weak ones, the helpless, the lowly and the defenseless ones.
  • The fatherless and the orphans.
  • The forgotten, destitute, the afflicted, the wretched and the oppressed people.
  • The disenfranchised, suffering and powerless children. 
God's heart is for the poor.  Our hearts in God's will be for the poor.  This is a marker of the authentic people of God.


A few New Testament passages and verses on serving the poor:
Luke 10:25-37; Acts 2:44-45; 4:32-37; 10:1-8; Gal. 2:10; 1 Tim 5:3-16; Jas 1:27; 2:15-16
