Notes For 2018
Here are my notes on what is going to happen in 2018. Four points. Not comprehensive.
Do you know the story of when Jesus left his family at about age 30? This year might be like that. Do you know about the time when boys become men, when they leave their mom and join the men? This year might be like that.
Do you remember when you left home to go to college? Do you remember when you stopped being single and got married? Do you remember when you became a parent? Do you remember when you were called up to go somewhere, if you have ever served in the military? Do you remember when you were tapped for or fell into a leadership role? Do you remember when you lost your job and had to find another one: things changed but you survived and made it? This year is going to be like that.
Do you remember meeting your spouse? Do you remember your first day on campus? Do you remember the day your marriage ended or someone died? Do you remember the birth of your child? And do you remember the day you met that boy or girl that you adopted? Do you remember when you found out you were pregnant? This year is going to be like that.
This is going to be a liminal year. I mentioned all those life events, to bring to your mind what liminality is like. There is liminality every day and every year: sunrise & sunsets every day and births and deaths every year, seasons changing and new jobs, and all the changes that we face in life.
But there are particular years when liminality is bigger, at large, corporately, society large. And that is what 2018 is going to be. You and I are like swimmers in the ocean. The wave is coming, and we can ride the wave joyfully or have it crash over us.
No matter what, that wave is coming, and we will be disoriented from our bobbing up and down in the swells. You can resist it, jump up like a cork and let it pass you, or ride the wave. I imagine that people will do all three. Three people might be standing before the wave and each one responds differently.
The wave is coming and how to respond to it will be up to each one of us. We aren't robots. Here comes the move and now we must choose.
Pretty much every revival in the history of the church was embraced by some and rejected by others. God moves and we have to choose. Ironically, members of past revival movements often reject new revival movements, that are both from God, but are different.
When Jesus moved out of, departed, or took leave from his family, his hometown, and the business he headed up; he was not exactly given a nice send off and wished well, especially when they discovered his new endeavor. His change was right and good, but some didn't get it, and were even opposed to the move. There is a time to shift and change, move from and into, to walk through a door of destiny when you must depart in order to arrive.
- 2018 will be a year of departures and arrivals. We will move on and take leave. We will say goodbye and say hello. This means big change. We can not stay and be at the new place. We will depart and arrive. The old can not hold the new and must be bid adieu. After the Hebrew year of 5778 began, last fall, some people in our lives announced their departure plans and today they are already living in their new destinations. They are first first-fruits people. I don't think everyone is going to move, but we are going to make moves, designed by God, in our lives, this year. This is the year to move into your destiny by moving through change, from one place to another place. This year is a year where there is a door that is open to be walked through. We will all move this year, from one place to another place.
- 2018 will be a year of moving from something and into something: departures and arrivals.
I think that this is a year to move, to depart one thing and go into another thing. We have to depart in order to arrive. We will not get into the new place unless we leave the old place.
It's time. We are now ready. A window of time is here to walk through a door into something new.
There is a time to stay, but 2018 will be the time to go, to depart. If we stay, if we do not move out, move on, and move to; it will be a missed opportunity. There is favor and permission to move this year.
"Your move."
It will not happen if you do not act, if you do not make your move. There is a path set before us, that we can only see the entryway to. We have to move into that way, to get into that path, to go down that road; or it won't happen.
We can not go into the new thing, the new level, or the new and better dimension, unless we also leave the old. To go there, we must depart here. We can not arrive unless we depart.
To stay where you are, but bring in that new thing, is not what God is doing. That would be like staying with your parents, but still getting married: something not recommended (Gen. 2:24, Matt. 19:5, Eph. 5:31 ). And that would also be like how Jesus said new wine will burst the old wineskins (Matt. 9:17, Mk. 2:22, Lk. 5:37-8).
We are going to move from something and into something. We are going to have to depart in order to arrive. God has been preparing us to depart, so that we can arrive, preparing us to move from, so that we can move into.
Did you notice the change in 2017, where you have already begun to reconfigure things? When we walk with God, he changes us, for the better. And changed people live differently.
God has a better life for us, but we have to be changed to enter into it; and that is what has been happening. People who refuse to be transformed, to change, will suffer unhappiness and needless pain. They will miss out. We have to walk in Christ to inherit the promises. It's not automatic. God is placing a door in front of us, but we have to walk through that door.
- 2018 is going to be a year of justice for, in, and through governmental leadership. There will be justice where there has been injustice. There have been great injustices at the highest levels of government, particularly but not limited to President Trump and his team, that will be exposed and dealt with for all to see. There will be exoneration for some and consequences for others. President Trump will gain and regain his reputation as a champion of justice. There is a move of God going on, in government; national, state, and local; to expose corruption and injustice. President Trump and his team happen to be the ones in place while God is doing this. He and his team may want things cleared out and cleaned up, but this was God's idea and God is now answering prayers that have been prayed for decades.
- In 2018, people who have been looking for the authentic church, built by God in Christ, are going to find it. We are going to be surprised to find other people, who are already there. We are going to be surprised that we don't have to build the church, but it is already built and being built. We just did not see it or could not find it, but that is going to change in 2018. Pioneers are going to find their homes. Jesus' church, that he has been building, will become more visible in 2018. The church at large, especially the church that has Jesus as it's head, will begin to regain it's lost reputation this year. The church that allows Jesus to be it's head and builder, will be renovated and restored to it's original design. It will stand up and stand out as a city on a hill and the light of the world again. A place of peace and rest. A gateway and bridge to God and heaven.
- In 2018, Christians will repent. Repentance will come alive in the body of Christ, corporately. Together, as a people and a family, we will repent of our sins and the sins of our fathers and mothers. We will get in touch with our shame, so that we can be healed. Instead of being shameless, we will repent and get in touch with our ugly, frightening shame; and let Jesus heal us and cleanse us. We will get in touch with how out of step we have been with Jesus and with heaven. We will get in touch with how and where the church has just become something in the world, run by worldly values, and not by Christ and by words that come from heaven. The church will get in touch with it's own captivity, of being Christians in name only. It will be more obvious what 'churches' have nothing to do with the living God and His Christ and the Spirit of God, but are counterfeits, from the world and by the world, that is at odds with Christ. False churches that bear the name of Christ or people and tribes who authentically represented and followed Christ in the past, will have the opportunity to repent and change. Just the fact that some parts of the church do not bear a resemblance to Jesus and heaven, but are from the world, that has not been to the cross and bowed to the Lordship of the living Christ, will become more evident or exposed in 2018.
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