Notes for 2019: A Year of Reformation

Stand at the crossing, and consider the ancient path, for it is good and it leads to Me. Walk on this path, and you will find rest for your souls. 
-Jeremiah 6:16a-b (Voice)

I believe that 2019 is going to be a year of reformation.

I looked up reformation in the Bible, and could not find it, at first.  I noticed that The Young's Literal Translation translates 'metanoian', as reformation, and 'metanoeson', as repent.  Where most translations translate Jesus' words as, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near", Young's has, "Reform".

It is interesting to consider that Jesus' kingdom message, was to reform: To go back to the original design.  When we repent, we turn away and go back.

I found a better Greek word for reformation.  It is found once, in Hebrews 9:10: 'Diorthosis'
They are physical regulations and only deal with food, drink, and various washings imposed until the time of the new order. (CSB)
but deal only with food and drink and various washings, regulations for the body imposed until the time of reformation. (ESV)
Diorthosis means:
etymologically "making straight," and was used of restoring to the normally straight condition that which is crooked or bent. In this passage it means the rectification of conditions, setting things to rights, and is a description of the Messianic time. (1)
We usually hear about the protestant reformation as being the first reformation.  And then we say that we need a second reformation.  Luther did a lot of good, but did not go all the way, you could say.  And other groups said something similar and did go further, like the Anabaptists.

But, another way of looking at it is that Jesus was the reformation.  And John the baptist was his opening act.  John had a reformation message.

Later, Luther was trying to bring the church back again to Jesus.  And today Jesus himself wants his church back again, to be like him, and how he trained his original followers to walk out their lives.

I believe that the word for 2019 is reformation.  I know we've been talking about this for years, but I think it's the thing in 2019.

And I believe that it's not just the church, but many things are getting a reforming.  You could call it a global reset.

Reformation defined:
"improvement, alteration for the better," late 14c., "restoration;" mid-15c., "improvement," from Old French reformacion and directly from Latin reformationem (nominative reformatio), noun of action from past participle stem of reformare (see reform (v.)). (2)
Reform defined:
 c. 1300, "to convert into another and better form," from Old French reformer "rebuild, reconstruct, recreate" (12c.), from Latin reformare "to form again, change, transform, alter," from re- "again" (see re-) + formare "to form" (see form (n.)). Intransitive sense from 1580s.
Meaning "to bring (a person) away from an evil course of life" is recorded from early 15c.; of governments, institutions, etc., from early 15c. Related: Reformed; reforming. (3)

Twelve ways or aspects of reformation:

Twelve words I wrote in my notebook, after I wrote Reformation for 2019.

  1. Rearrange
  2. Reorient
  3. Reconfigure
  4. Restate
  5. Restore
  6. Resurrect
  7. Recall
  8. Recalibrate
  9. Recollect
  10. Renaissance
  11. Reorder
  12. Rewire

1. Rearrange 

from re- "back, again" + arrange. Related: Rearranged; rearranging; rearrangement. (4)

late 14c., "draw up a line of battle," from Old French arengier "put in a row, put in battle order" (12c., Modern French arranger), from a- "to" (see ad-) + rangier "set in a row" (Modern French ranger), from rang "rank," from Frankish *hring or a similar Germanic source, from Proto-Germanic *hringaz"something curved, circle," from nasalized form of PIE root *sker- (2) "to turn, bend."

A rare word until the meaning generalized to "to place things in order" c. 1780-1800. Meaning "come to an agreement or understanding" is by 1786. Musical sense of "adapt for other instruments or voices" is from 1808. Related: Arranged; arranging. Arranged marriage attested from 1854. (5)

2. Reorient

from re- "back, again" + orient
c. 1727, originally "to arrange facing east," from French s'orienter "to take one's bearings," literally "to face the east" (also the source of German orientierung), from Old French orient "east," from Latin orientum (see Orient (n.)). Extended meaning "determine bearings" first attested 1842; figurative sense is from 1850. Related: Oriented; orienting. (6)

3. Reconfigure 

from re- "back, again" + configure
late 14c. (implied in configured) "to form, dispose in a certain form," from Latin configurare "to fashion after a pattern," from assimilated form of com "with, together" (see con-) + figurare "to form, shape," from figura "a shape, form, figure" (from PIE root *dheigh- "to form, build"). Related: Configuring. (7)

4. Restate
from re- "back, again" + state
State (verb)
1590s, "to set in a position," from state (n.1); the sense of "declare in words" is first attested 1640s, from the notion of "placing" something on the record. Related: Stated; stating. (8)

5. Restore
c. 1300, "to give back," also, "to build up again, repair," from Old French restorer, from Latin restaurare "repair, rebuild, renew," from re- "back, again" (see re-) + -staurare, as in instaurare "to set up, establish; renew, restore," from PIE *stau-ro-, from root *sta- "to stand, make or be firm." (9)

6. Resurrect

1772, back-formation from resurrection. Related: Resurrected; resurrecting. "The correct form is resurge, which, however, is intransitive only, whereas the verb resurrect can be used both as transitive and intransitive ..." [Klein]. Related: Resurrected; resurrecting. (10)

Resurrection (noun)

c. 1300, originally the name of a Church festival commemorating Christ's rising from death, from Anglo-French resurrectiun, Old French resurrection "the Resurrection of Christ" (12c.) and directly from Church Latin resurrectionem (nominative resurrectio) "a rising again from the dead," noun of action from past participle stem of Latin resurgere "rise again, appear again" (see resurgent). Replaced Old English æriste; in Middle English sometimes translated as againrising.

Generalized sense of "revival" is from 1640s. Also used in Middle English of the rising again of the dead on the Last Day (c. 1300). (11)

7. Recall
1580s, "to bring back by calling upon," from re- "back, again" + call (v.); in some cases a loan-translation of Middle French rappeler (see repeal (v.)) or Latin revocare (see revoke). Sense of "bring back to memory" is from 1610s. Related: Recalled; recalling. (12)
 call (v.)
mid-13c., "to cry out; call for, summon, invoke; ask for, demand, order; give a name to, apply by way of designation," from Old Norse kalla "to cry loudly, summon in a loud voice; name, call by name," from Proto-Germanic *kall- (source also of Middle Dutch kallen "to speak, say, tell," Dutch kallen "to talk, chatter," Old High German kallon "to speak loudly, call"), from PIE root *gal- "to call, shout." Related: Called; calling.
Old English cognate ceallian "to shout, utter in a loud voice" was rare, the usual word being clipian(source of Middle English clepe, yclept). Coin-toss sense is from 1801; card-playing sense "demand that the hands be shown" is from 1670s; poker sense "match or raise a bet" is by 1889. Meaning "to make a short stop or visit" (Middle English) was literally "to stand at the door and call." Telephone sense is from 1882.
To call for "demand, require" is from 1530s (earlier in this sense was call after, c. 1400). To call (something) back "revoke" is from 1550s. To call (something) off "cancel" is by 1888; earlier call off meant "summon away, divert" (1630s). To call (someone) names is from 1590s. To call out someone to fight (1823) corresponds to French provoquer. To call it a night "go to bed" is from 1919.

call (n.)
early 14c., "a loud cry, an outcry," also "a summons, an invitation," from call (v.). From 1580s as "a summons" (by bugle, drum, etc.) to military men to perform some duty; from 1680s as "the cry or note of a bird." Sense of "a short formal visit" is from 1862; meaning "a communication by telephone" is from 1878. From 1670s as "requirement, duty, right," hence, colloquially, "occasion, cause." (13)

calling (n.)
mid-13c., "outcry, shouting," also "a summons or invitation," verbal noun from call (v.). The sense "vocation, profession, trade, occupation" (1550s) traces to I Corinthians vii.20, where it means "position or state in life." (14)
The concept of “call” is a way of describing Christian conversion:
To the church of God at Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus, called as saints, with all those in every place who call on the name of Jesus Christ our Lord—both their Lord and ours.
God is faithful; you were called by him into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
-1 Corinthians 1:2 & 9

8. Recalibrate
word-forming element meaning "back to the original place; again, anew, once more," also with a sense of "undoing," c. 1200, from Old French and directly from Latin re- "again, back, anew, against," (15)

calibrate (v.)
"determine the caliber of," 1839, verb formed from caliber + -ate (2). Also "determine the relative value of" different parts of an arbitrary scale (1869). Related: calibrated; calibrating. (16)

9. Recollect 
"to recover or recall knowledge of, bring back to the mind or memory," 1550s, from Latin recollectus, past participle of recolligere, "to take up again, regain," etymologically "to collect again," from re-"again" (see re-) + colligere "gather" (see collect (v.)). Related: Recollected; recollecting. The pronunciation is based on recollection.

Remember implies that a thing exists in the memory, not that it is actually present in the thoughts at the moment, but that it recurs without effort. Recollect means that a fact, forgotten or partially lost to memory, is after some effort recalled and present to the mind. Remembrance is the store-house, recollection the act of culling out this article and that from the repository. He remembers everything he hears, and can recollect any statement when called on. The words, however, are often confounded, and we say we cannot remember a thing when we mean we cannot recollect it. [Century Dictionary, 1895] (17)

10. Renaissance  
"great period of revival of classical-based art and learning in Europe that began in the fourteenth century," 1840, from French renaissance des lettres, from Old French renaissance, literally "rebirth," usually in a spiritual sense, from renastre "grow anew" (of plants), "be reborn" (Modern French renaître), from Vulgar Latin *renascere, from Latin renasci "be born again, rise again, reappear, be renewed," from re- "again" (see re-) + nasci "be born" (Old Latin gnasci, from PIE root *gene- "give birth, beget").
An earlier term for it was revival of learning (1785). In general usage, with a lower-case r-, "a revival" of anything that has long been in decay or disuse (especially of learning, literature, art), it is attested from 1872. Renaissance man is first recorded 1906. (18)

11. Reorder
"to set in order again," from re- + order (v.). From 1810 as "repeat an order." (19)

12. Rewire 

It is hard to find a definition of this one, besides the idea of a house being rewired, because of the wiring being worn out, out of date, or unsafe.

When a person is rewired, it means how they are connected to themselves, to others, and to God.

Some people say, "I'm not wired that way", meaning they do not or can not function a certain way.

Trauma rewires us from our original functional way of being.  God wants to rewire people to be reformed back to the original design of our hearts and minds.

Rewiring also has to do with a paradigm shift: "Oh, I see it now!"


1. Orr, James, M.A., D.D. General Editor. "Entry for 'REFORMATION'". "International Standard Bible Encyclopedia". 1915.
