They Go From Strength to Strength, Psalm 84:7

They go from strength to strength; each appears before God in Zion.
-Psalm 84:7
Being a believer is a journey to God and with God, where your faith is strengthened.
Everything we go through makes us know God more.
The journey, every trial and the unpleasant path, has been making us stronger and stronger; in God, inside us.
You've been getting stronger, becoming a warrior: brave, courageous, and rich in character.
Your destination is a God.
To come into your inheritance, you must travel forward, claiming, obtaining, and becoming the upgraded identity that God has for you.
Your victory in the past season becomes your platform or moral authority in the next season.
Your assignment is to stand on the platform of what God has done in your life and invite people onto the journey into the life of Christ.

Charles Spurgeon:
- Trusting God in trouble brings present comfort.
- Present comfort ensures still larger supplies.
- So far from being wearied they gather strength as they proceed.
- Each individual becomes happier, each company becomes more numerous, each holy song more sweet and full.

- We grow as we advance if heaven be our goal.
- If we spend our strength in God's ways we shall find it increase.

"Every one of them in Zion appeareth before God."
This was the end of the pilgrims' march
-the center where all met
-the delight of all hearts.
Not merely to be in the assembly, but to appear before God was the object of each devout Israelite.

Unless we realize the presence of God we have done nothing; the mere gathering together is nothing worth.

Malcolm MacLaren:
One of the distinguishing joys of a Christian career of pressing forward to closer communion and conformity with our Lord and Master, in whom God is manifested: viz. (namely) that we grow day by day in strength, and that effort does not weaken, but invigorates.

I wonder how many of us are babes of forty years old, and from how many of our minds the very conception of continual growth, as an essential of Christian life, has altogether vanished? Brother! are you any further than you were ten years ago?

‘Every one of them in Zion appeareth before God.’
There is one road on which whosoever travels is sure to reach his goal.

For no man ever wanted God who did not possess Him, and the measure of our desire is the prophecy of our possession.

Thomas Constable:
The person who sets his or her heart on finding strength in the Lord experiences great blessing. (Looking) forward to travelling to Mt. Zion to worship Him there.
Such a person becomes stronger and stronger spiritually as he or she draws closer and closer to God.

Life is a journey to God, now; where we find the hidden strengths, that we were born with; and develop them, with God, towards God, and for God's glory and to share with others.
Believers are pilgrims or sojourners who's goal in life is to seek, find, and live with God; and their happiness is found and based in a complete investment of their lives, while they are always growing stronger, from the inside out, until they see God here.
Our lives are redemptive journeys and stories, where we gain strength in God, through ongoing perseverance, where saints are seasoned into courageous warriors, on a pilgrimage to see God.
They go from strength to strength; each appears before God in Zion.
-Psalm 84:7
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