Do not hide your face from me; do not turn your servant away in anger. Psalm 27:9
Do not hide your face from me; do not turn your servant away in anger.
You have been my helper; do not leave me or abandon me,
God of my salvation.
-Psalm 27:9
Some titles for Psalm 27
My Stronghold
Confidence in the Lord
Fearless Faith
A Song of Trust in God
A Prayer of Praise
"The horror of saints at the hell of sinners."
-James Scot
To not have God in your life, His presence, His affectionate felt care; is to live in the hell of sinners. For God to hide his face or turn his face away from you, as a Christian, is a holy horror. Avoid ungratefulness! God puts away many in anger for their supposed goodness, but not any at all for their confessed badness.
-John Trapp
The greatest sin is perhaps self-righteousness: to have no need of God, the deportment of sanctimonious, self-satisfied, pious superiority, and holier-than-thou.
The people that God hides from or who can not see God are the self-righteous. If you don't see God, there's a chance that the problem is on your end, because you are behaving as though you don't need God.
"Thy servant." It is a blessed and happy thing to be God's true "servant".
-Thomas Pierson
Are you firstly, a servant?
If you want to be great in God's kingdom, learn to be the servant of all.
In the world they have hierarchies.
Jesus says not so with you!
We are children and servants.
"Ingratitude," it is said, "is natural to fallen man," but to spiritual men it is unnatural and detestable.
-Charles Spurgeon
We don't take our blessings, our past victories, or our present place for granted.
Attitude of gratitude.
God gives grace to the humble.
Stand carefully.
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