The city he founded is on the holy mountains. Psalm 87:1
The city he founded is on the holy mountains.
-Psalm 87:1
God has built an elevated place for us to live, dwell, and reproduce; in advance.
"I go to prepare a place for you", "You are a city on a hill", and "The city he founded is on the holy mountains"; are all speaking about the same place, the same people, the same home.
God has always been the builder of the church, that is the light of the world and a bridge to the nations. There has always been a true and authentic group of people who are born and raised up by God.
There has always been one people of the one God.
God has always been the builder of the church, that is the light of the world and a bridge to the nations. There has always been a true and authentic group of people who are born and raised up by God.
There has always been one people of the one God.
The interpretive key to the Psalms and the whole Bible is Christ.
It is all his story, him and his people.
He only has one people who are his.
Our identity and where and how we live is connected to worship and being.
This is what we do for a living, who we are.
God designed us this way and we are in true plumb when we live there, being in contact and worship.
God created a place for us to live in, to be born and adopted in, and to worship in, that has a multi-ethnic citizenry, and is Jesus in form and kingdom in culture, where we continually are refreshed and grow in God.
(Psalm 87)
God has planned ahead, where we will live and worship, pray, fellowship, be trained to know him, and be his family.
Above the earth, and a bridge to and from heaven to earth.
A light on a hill for salvation to all nations.
(Psalm 87:1)
The life that God has for us, the place he designed for us, was his idea, planned in advance.
We discover it, find it, and live there; being together and becoming family.
It is an elevated place, between heaven and earth; a remarkable bridge, gate, and beacon on earth.
(Psalm 87:1)
God's people
live together
in a place
built by God
that is elevated
and visible to the world.
Their purpose there
is to be
a place where
all the nations come
and are born
into God's family
to live with God
(Psalm 87)
God's home on earth is in plain sight.
It stands out.
It has a family resemblance.
Founded by the one God, who created everything, and in the one savior, Jesus Christ.
The place to live is home with God.
Jesus came so that we could live with God today.
(Psalm 87:1, John 14:2)
The city of God is the people of God, built on his holy mountain.
The church is meant to be a mountain in the earth, built by the Lord.
We are designed to live on a mountain, with vision for the earth.
We are lifted up, seen from afar. Beautiful and majestic.
(Psalm 87)
Lord, bring us back to the foundation that you gave us, to live upon.
The focus of our journey is going toward and moving into what God has already founded.
Both the outward journey, into what God builds first, and the inward journey, into becoming who he designed each one of us to be.
(Psalm 87)
The city he founded is on the holy mountains.
-Psalm 87:1
The place God has built, designed and assigned, is a place, "on earth as it is in heaven'', mystical and real, both in and above the world; and that is where we should be excited to go to and live in, today and tomorrow.
The city he founded is on the holy mountains.
-Psalm 87:1
God has a place for us to live, worship, give birth, and know him in.
He prepared it for us, in advance, for us to thrive in.
We are a people, under God's governance, whom we love, take pride in, and are very grateful for.
The church is built on and by Christ.
The foundation is Christ alone.
Not 'about Christ', but, 'the living Christ'.
On him we build the living space.
We become a living house and city that bears his name.
That is the church.
(Psalm 87, 1 Cor. 3, and 1 Peter 2)
Lord, give us eyes to see your church.
Let us find your church that you are building.
Help us to find your church that you have founded.
Let your church be lifted up and visible to us.
Raise up your church for all the world to see.
(Psalm 87:1)
His foundation is in the holy mountains.
-Psalm 87:1
There is an upward call to come up higher, to see and live from Christ, with God.
And this place is on earth.
We don't have to wait till after we die.
God has a base camp here, where redemption flows into the earth.
God's people were His idea.
Above the plain and under heaven.
Honorable ones, inviting all to know God.
Gazing upward, gate and bridge.
God has always been the builder of the church, that is the light of the world and a bridge to the nations.
There has always been a true and authentic group of people who are born and raised by God.
We have divided, while God has always had one people.
-Psalm 87:1
Live your life on what God has already founded for you.
Much of our troubles and sorrows come from simply not living in the life that God has made for us.
Check your foundation
"On the holy mountain stands the city he founded."
-Psalm 87:1
God’s foundation is set on the holy mountains.
Our identity and where and how we live is connected to worship and being.
This is what we do for a living, who we are.
God designed us this way and we are in true plumb when we live there, being in contact and worship.
God built the elevated place for us to live, dwell, and reproduce; in advance.
Have you seen the city? Did you see it this week? Will you see it today?
The light of the world and a bridge to the nations.
One people, living with God, together, was God's idea.
God's home on earth is in plain sight.
There is an upward call to come up higher, to see and live from God and with God.
And this place is on earth.
We don't have to wait till after we die.
God has a base camp here, where redemption flows into the earth.
God has a place for us to live, worship, give birth, and know him in.
He prepared it for us, in advance, for us to thrive in.
We that nation, under God's governance, that we love, take pride in, and are very grateful for.
The city he founded is on the holy mountains.
The life that God has for us, the place he designed for us, was his idea, planned in advance.
We discover it, find it, and live there; being together and becoming family.
It is an elevated place, between heaven and earth; a remarkable bridge, gate, and beacon on earth.
(Psalm 87:1)
Our identity and where and how we live is connected to worship and being.
This is what we do for a living, who we are.
God designed us this way and we are in true plumb when we live there, being in contact and worship.
God created a place for us to live in, to be born and adopted in, and to worship in, that has a multi-ethnic citizenry, and is Jesus in form and kingdom in culture, where we continually are refreshed and grow in God.
(Psalm 87)
God has planned ahead, where we will live and worship, pray, fellowship, be trained to know him, and be his family.
Above the earth, and a bridge to and from heaven to earth.
A light on a hill for salvation to all nations.
(Psalm 87:1)
The life that God has for us, the place he designed for us, was his idea, planned in advance.
We discover it, find it, and live there; being together and becoming family.
It is an elevated place, between heaven and earth; a remarkable bridge, gate, and beacon on earth.
(Psalm 87:1)
God's people
live together
in a place
built by God
that is elevated
and visible to the world.
Their purpose there
is to be
a place where
all the nations come
and are born
into God's family
to live with God
(Psalm 87)
God's home on earth is in plain sight.
It stands out.
It has a family resemblance.
Founded by the one God, who created everything, and in the one savior, Jesus Christ.
The place to live is home with God.
Jesus came so that we could live with God today.
(Psalm 87:1, John 14:2)
The church is meant to be a mountain in the earth, built by the Lord.
We are designed to live on a mountain, with vision for the earth.
We are lifted up, seen from afar. Beautiful and majestic.
(Psalm 87)
Lord, bring us back to the foundation that you gave us, to live upon.
The focus of our journey is going toward and moving into what God has already founded.
Both the outward journey, into what God builds first, and the inward journey, into becoming who he designed each one of us to be.
(Psalm 87)
The city he founded is on the holy mountains.
-Psalm 87:1
The place God has built, designed and assigned, is a place, "on earth as it is in heaven'', mystical and real, both in and above the world; and that is where we should be excited to go to and live in, today and tomorrow.
-Psalm 87:1
God has a place for us to live, worship, give birth, and know him in.
He prepared it for us, in advance, for us to thrive in.
We are a people, under God's governance, whom we love, take pride in, and are very grateful for.
The church is built on and by Christ.
The foundation is Christ alone.
Not 'about Christ', but, 'the living Christ'.
On him we build the living space.
We become a living house and city that bears his name.
That is the church.
(Psalm 87, 1 Cor. 3, and 1 Peter 2)
Lord, give us eyes to see your church.
Let us find your church that you are building.
Help us to find your church that you have founded.
Let your church be lifted up and visible to us.
Raise up your church for all the world to see.
-Psalm 87:1
There is an upward call to come up higher, to see and live from Christ, with God.
And this place is on earth.
We don't have to wait till after we die.
God has a base camp here, where redemption flows into the earth.
God's people were His idea.
Above the plain and under heaven.
Honorable ones, inviting all to know God.
Gazing upward, gate and bridge.
The city, His foundation, is on the Holy Mountains.
God has a city, a people; who live on earth and are visible.
God has a city, a people; who live on earth and are visible.
Lord, I want to live in your city.
I want to have a house there.
That's where I want to work too.
That's where I want to work too.
God has always been the builder of the church, that is the light of the world and a bridge to the nations.
There has always been a true and authentic group of people who are born and raised by God.
We have divided, while God has always had one people.
-Psalm 87:1
Live your life on what God has already founded for you.
Much of our troubles and sorrows come from simply not living in the life that God has made for us.
Check your foundation
I want to live in the city that the Lord founded.
The city on the holy mountain of his design.
"On the holy mountain stands the city he founded."
-Psalm 87:1
Lord, bring us back to the foundation that you gave us
Lord, bring us onto the foundation from you, to live upon.
Lord, restore our foundations and restore us to our foundation from you.
God’s foundation is set on the holy mountains.
-Psalm 87:1
Our identity and where and how we live is connected to worship and being.
This is what we do for a living, who we are.
God designed us this way and we are in true plumb when we live there, being in contact and worship.
The city he founded is on the holy mountains.
-Psalm 87:1
God built the elevated place for us to live, dwell, and reproduce; in advance.
Live in the place God built.
The church is built on and by Christ.
The foundation is Christ alone.
Not 'about Christ', but, 'the living Christ'.
On him we build the living space.
Have you seen the city? Did you see it this week? Will you see it today?
It's in homes, neighborhoods, offices, coffee shops, beaches, trails, & lives.
Like Jesus said, "the kingdom of God is in your midst".
God has always been the builder of the church.
The light of the world and a bridge to the nations.
There has always been a true and authentic group of people who are born and raised by God.
We have divided, while God has always had one people.
What God is doing at this time is restoring us to His foundation.
What I am looking for and longing for is the city you founded.
God, take me to your mountain for me.
God, bring my mountain to me.
God, let me find my mountain.
One people, living with God, together, was God's idea.
Above the plain and under heaven.
Honorable ones, inviting all to know God.
Gazing upward, gate and bridge.
God, let us live in the place you have built.
Let us find our home on the foundation you have provided.
Let us be alive and thrive in the place and space that you designed for us to live in.
God has already been at work building our destiny and laying the foundation for us to live on.
The place that I want to live is where God has already began the work to make it my home.
Finding the mountain dwelling of God's people is my quest.
God's home on earth is in plain sight.
It stands out.
It has a family resemblance.
Founded by the one God, who created everything, and in the one savior, Jesus Christ.
The place to live is home with God.
Jesus came so that we could live with God today.
(Psalm 87:1, John 14:2)
His foundation is in the holy mountains.
-Psalm 87:1
-Psalm 87:1
There is an upward call to come up higher, to see and live from God and with God.
And this place is on earth.
We don't have to wait till after we die.
God has a base camp here, where redemption flows into the earth.
The city he founded is on the holy mountains.
-Psalm 87:1
God has a place for us to live, worship, give birth, and know him in.
He prepared it for us, in advance, for us to thrive in.
We that nation, under God's governance, that we love, take pride in, and are very grateful for.
The city he founded is on the holy mountains.
-Psalm 87:1
The place God has built, designed and assigned, is a place, "on earth as it is in heaven'', mystical and real, both in and above the world; and that is where we should be excited to go to and live in, today and tomorrow.
The city he founded is on the holy mountains.
-Psalm 87:1
What we have been looking for will become obvious. It is a holy gift, planned and made by God, wholly real, ours to have and hold, generously given, thankfully received, contented in, sharing with all, we will worship God.
The life that God has for us, the place he designed for us, was his idea, planned in advance.
We discover it, find it, and live there; being together and becoming family.
It is an elevated place, between heaven and earth; a remarkable bridge, gate, and beacon on earth.
(Psalm 87:1)
Lord, give us eyes to see your church.
Let us find your church that you are building.
Help us to find your church that you have founded.
Let your church be lifted up and visible to us.
Raise up your church for all the world to see.
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