God Might Give Us Back The Dream We Gave Up On

The Lord came to Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did for Sarah what he had promised. Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the appointed time God had told him.
-Genesis 21:1-2
What if God wants to give us back the dream we gave up on?
Maybe we are like Sarah, given a dream that does not come true; and then we give up on it.
We know God gave Abraham and Sarah the call to have a child. Nothing out of the ordinary, except that they were barren.
I imagine that they wondered why God would call and then not deliver.
What about delays? God presides over our delays.
Can a dream be dead, or so far past it's "use by" date, that it is never coming back?
If your dream is a dream that was not fulfilled and God knows it never will be, then I believe God will give you a new dream.
And if you gave up on the dream God gave you and God's says it's not over, God can give you back that dream.
Sarah gave up on her dream of having a baby. But God fulfilled the dream she gave up on.
What if God wants to give us back the dream we gave up on?
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