Bearing with one another and forgiving one another

Bearing with one another and forgiving one another if anyone has a grievance against another. Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you are also to forgive.
-Colossians 3:13


Matthew Poole:

Clemency towards each other, not only in undergoing affronts, but a suspending to take advantage from the infirmities of others, so as not to irritate them to passion, or to take them tripping, so as to aggravate their failings, ...indeed he that doth see the need he hath of pardon himself, will pass by the fault of his brother,
...a motive to mutual forgiveness, viz. our Head the Lord Jesus Christ forgiving of us, who are bound to conform to him in forgiving others;

Gill's Exposition:

Not only bearing one another's burdens, and with one another's weaknesses, but forbearing to render evil for evil, or railing for railing, or to seek revenge for affronts given, in whatsoever way, whether by words or deeds: and forgiving one another; all trespasses and offences, so far as committed against themselves, and praying to God to forgive them, as committed against him: as Christ forgave you, so also do ye;
...he forgives sins freely, fully, forgetting the injuries done, not upbraiding with former offences, and that too without asking, and before there is any appearance of repentance; and so should the saints forgive one another,

Ralph Martin:

The exercise of these peace-making attitudes as Christians seek to curb their impatience with a difficult person and to show a charitable and forgiving spirit. The reason and justification for this conciliatory mood are the highest: the Lord has forgiven you. Christ in his act of salvation provides the Christian with the motive-power to turn their bitterness into forgiving love.

Christ's incarnation and especially his self-offering on the cross provides a paradigm of a life-style to which the believer henceforth conforms.

Forbearing (anechomenoi) means putting up with others and enduring discomfort.

Forgiving (charizomenoi) involves not holding a grudge or grievance.

Websters Dictionary:

Clemency is a noun that means a disposition to be merciful or an act of leniency.

Conciliatory, which means intended to gain goodwill or favor or to reduce hostility. 

Cambridge Dictionary:

Leniency is the treatment of someone who is punished or judged less strongly or severely than expected.

